The reason I stopped graphing --- I got impatient with all the lines here and there after 3 months, and the fact that I wanted to draw my own characters rather than re-drawing someone else works, especially copyrighted ones.
My first attempts weren't anywhere near as good as when I graphed but it was better than nothing since they were products of my long practice....... after several trials and errors.
Some of my independent attempts:
I knew I should have also practiced coloring at the same time but I was more intent on improving my drawings than anything else, plus I wasn't the only one doing the same (not counting my sister). There were others, of course, affected by the anime contagion.
Not counting the graphs, they would by my very first anime style drawings and, right now, looking over them I can't help but laugh!
These are still kept, compiled along with other drawings from the oldest to the newest. Old drawings are useful, you can use them as comparisons to how you are doing now. The more you look over them the more you will come to notice areas which you need to work on.
I wish I could have shown more, amateurish as they were, but they're buried somewhere in boxes along with some of my stuff.... not counting the ones I made into stationery scraps.^^;
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