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Project Hero Characters

I just came to realize, after briefly browsing through the older blog posts that I haven't posted anything about a year-old pending project of our group, NIKO.

Its still under discussion, the characters created and molded to fit, and the story underway.

Here are mine and SlackerLord's characters:

(click on image for bigger view)
This was our short references of our submitted characters, Rica and Mari Guillermo. Created for the sole purpose for Project Hero, now titled as "The Descendants".

The main theme is the usual 'good vs. evil' with a Filipino twist. Characters must be of Filipino descent, same with abilities, backgrounds and the main setting. Hence, our Bruho brothers (yes, they're witches in a sense).

NIKO members were asked to give ONE character only if they wanted to be part of the project. So far, 14 submitted. Back then, the profiles were accepted without comment, but now that the story is underway, the available profiles in hand are being subjected to strict screening. We're still in the process of deciding whether to drop or include some of the characters as we just went over the profiles a few days ago and realized that more than half of the submitted characters didn't adhere to the theme/requirements. Will reserve comment on some of them for now.^^;

After a year, the reason why the others are gunning to give PH a go was because of SlackerLord. She just had to do these:

3D generated images of the Bruho Brothers by SlackerLord using IMVU.

I'll be revising Rica and Mari basing on these 3D images. XD


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