The traditional way. Our style. Our way.

First Commission

Not officially open yet but couldn't resist taking the requests in gaia online.

I went to ask in gaia forums the pricing range for my kind of art style --- there were several suggestions ranging from 50-100K for the head shots, 100-200K for half body, 250K and up for full body --- single character only. Other prices I got were as much as 800K and more if I offer them in color.

Unfortunately my coloring skill rates none~

I'm bad at it. I'd like to say I want to learn, and would have started learning if my ever so dysfunctional flash drive didn't go and corrupt the tutorials I spent hours selecting and collecting from DA.

Now I have to do it all over again!

I received 150K for above commission from Red Umbra. I got commissioned as soon as I asked around gaia's chatterbox. Instant reply. People seem to be more active there than in any of the forum boards.

My decision to open a commission shop at gaia still stands. Its gonna be there when I need the gold to use. The actual commission work is in RL with real money, which I'm still determined to push through as soon as possible. Already have a site put up and all just need to spread it around after this one event and my time clears up for me to be able to accept requests and get down to some serious business.

Crossing my fingers and fervently hoping----


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