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Photoshop stuff

Photoshop works courtesy of my sister. I did the pencilling, she finished the ink lineart and ran them through photoshop.

<< Image to the left is an unfinished version. Worked on this during the Digital Painting Workshop. The completed version got corrupted and couldn't be opened. It got infected with a virus from a borrowed computer. Good thing we managed to have it printed beforehand.

There was supposed to be a background with a sort of watercolor effect which my sister learned just the day before from her various references. She tried it out on this drawing. Too bad I couldn't put up the finished outcome.

Next Image is supposedly mine. Well, I started on it, only managed to do the base color part before I shoved all the work on my sister. The Digital Painting course required each student to submit one finished work colored in Photoshop. Since I was practically new to the program it took me a good deal longer to work on my drawing than the 5-6 sessions.

The color combination sucked (I'm no good at it) and with little time left, she had to make do with what I started. The gloves were supposed to be yellow or something, I did something before she could fix it and it turned into a muddy sort of color. Coloring is definitely NOT my forte.

Other images on the right are for an OC Tournament in DeviantArt called the Samurai Duelers League or SDL for short.

The SDL Profile Template on the first one belongs to RoninsUltramix and is to be used for duelers who join SDL.

The application and coloring of our OCs was done by my sister (with me prodding in the background).

Second image is another of her handiwork. I just wanted her to tone it but she did more than that.

In regards to Photoshop works by my sister... there isn't much since she rarely finishes any of them. When she gets in the mood to work either Photoshop acts out on her or the computer crashes. Her opportunity to use Photoshop is limited.

Before we knew the existence of Photoshop, she used to color them in Microsoft paint-- a painstaking process of cleaning lineart.

The above image is mine, the ones below are all my sisters. She drew, inked and colored them all by herself. The 'newspaper' pattern on the middle one she made from cutting out clippings from old newspapers. Above and below drawings were colored and tweaked in MS Paint.


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